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At high school Amanda had little money to speak of, so she decided to start collecting five cent pieces. Everyone chipped in; the kids at school would hand her their change from play lunch; her dad would give her the change from the tray in his car and her mum would go as far as changing dollar coins at the bank into 5 cent pieces.
After 10 months Amanda had saved over $120 dollars. This was a huge amount of money for her and every one would ask her what she was going to spend it on. "Big White Boots" she would say "Platforms, that I can wear to my Deb".
She still has them today. Since then Amanda has travelled and worked around the world in Business and Marketing. While giving Business Lectures in China she delved into her passion of boots. In China, as in Australia the calf width was never big enough. Not being as young and slim as she was in high school she was unable to find boot that fit. Dragging her partner (now fiance) to 20+ stores with no luck.
This girl sure loved her boots. Cansion, a good friend of Amanda said "We can get some boots made for you." Prompting a boots shopping spree. 
"Your crazy about boots." Cansion would say, "Why don't you sell boots in Australia?"
On a trip home to Melbourne to visit her family she filled her large suit case with boots and used her hand luggage for clothes and gifts. When she was there so many of her friends and family complained about not being able to find boots to fit their curvy calves. This is when Amanda found that it wasn't just her with this horrible secret and that heaps of normal fabulous women like herself had the same problem.
Amanda discussed it with her partner Matthew and decided it could only work if they could get the sizes right. Researching the Australian, UK and American market they found there is a lot of woman out there who love the comfort, style and look of boots but just couldn't get them to fit. She decided to get them made.
Amanda took the leap of faith and with the help of Matthew her partner, her good friend Cansion and family she launched Bennetts Boots: Ravishing Wide Calf Boots that Fit!